Monday, 25 November 2024

William Morris on Socialism.

 The utterances of William Morris, " poet of the people" and author of  " News from Nowhere " and other works, should be extremely interesting to students of the Labour movement at the present time when some Australasian reformers show such a tendency to resort to so-called Liberalism. Writing in the FORUM, Mr. Morris says : " There is no progress possible to European civilisation save in the direction of Socialism; for the Whig or Individualist idea which destroyed the mediƦval idea of association, and culminated in the French revolution and the rise of the great industries in England, has fulfilled its function or worked itself out. The Socialistic idea has at last taken hold of the workmen, even in Great Britain, and they are pushing it forward practically, though in a vague and unorganised manner. The governing classes feel themselves compelled to yield more or less to the vague demands of the workmen. But, on the other hand, the definitely reactionary forces of the country have woken up to the danger to privilege involved in those demands, and are attacking Socialism in front instead of passing it by in contemptuous silence.

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"The general idea of Socialism is widely accepted amongst the thoughtful part of the middle classes, even where their timidity prevents them from definitely joining the movement. The old political parties have lost their traditional shibboleths, and are only hanging on till the new party (which can only be a Socialistic one) is formed : the Whigs and Tories will then coalesce to oppose it; the Radicals will some of them join this reactionary party, and some will be absorbed by the Socialist ranks. That this process is already going on is shown by the last general election. Socialism has not yet formed a party in Great Britain, but it is essential that it should do so, and not become a mere tail of the Whig Liberal party, which will only use it for its own purposes and throw it over when it conveniently can. The Socialist party must include the whole of the genuine labour movement — that is, whatever in it is founded on principle, and is not a mere temporary business squabble ; it must also include all that is definitely Socialist amongst the middle class; and it must have a simple test in accordance with its one aim— the realisation of a new society founded on the practical equality of condition for all, and general association for the satisfaction of the needs of those equals. The sooner this party is formed, and the reactionists find themselves face to face with the Socialists, the better. For whatever checks it may meet with on the way, it will get to its goal at last, and SOCIALISM will melt into SOCIETY."

Worker (Brisbane, Qld.), 11 July 1896

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