Monday, 4 November 2013



When a Protestant minister says a foolish or illegal thing—and occasionally one does this (observes the Boston "Citizen")—all intelligent people set it down as the expression of an individual and of one man only, and not as the sentiment of his sect. It is generally overlooked as an error or offence of the minister himself, but if to any degree serious, like an expression of treason against the government, the man is disciplined by the authorities above him.
When a Papal priest offends in this manner, and is not punished, his expression may be safely set down as the sentiment of his Church, approved by the hierarchy of his Church; for Rome boasts, above all things, of her rigid discipline over the acts and words of her priests.
Thus: Dr. McGlynn was censured and removed from his pastorate for endorsing the single-tax theories of Henry George. Archbishop Ireland is deprived of his coveted cardinal's hat because of his expressed desire to "Americanise" his church. A priest near Boston was recently removed for sympathising with elevated railroad strikers.
For none of these things would a Protestant minister have been disciplined.
A priest utters the avowed sentiments of his church. Thus, In a Washington, D. C., Papal Church paper, "The Josephite," for August, we find the following attacks upon the Y.M.C.A. and Masons:
Ques.: "Is it injurious to a Catholic to the Y.M.C.A. for the physical culture course only, as he finds it beneficial to his health?
Ans.: "Yes. Faith is more precious than health, and a Catholic cannot associate with the Y.M.C.A in their physical culture class, without exposing himself to an influence that tends to lure him away from the practice of his faith. 'Evil communications corrupt morals' is verified over and over again among those who wilfully expose themselves to such influences even when they do so under the pretext of seeking to benefit their health. Physical-culture in so far as it is, beneficial to health, can easily be found elsewhere than with the Y.M.C.A. The best place to find it is in honest toil. No Catholic who has a grain of respect for his Christian character or a spark of love for his religion will, under any circumstances, contribute a cent to or accept the physical course or anything else at the hands of the Y.M.C.A.


Ques.: "When and for what reasons was Freemasonry condemned by the Church?'
Ans.: '"Freemasonry was first organised in 1717; first condemned by the Church in 1738, because Freemasonry is a false religion. In the constitution "In Eminenti," 28 April, Clement XII. accurately indicates the principal reasons why Masonic associations, from a Christian, moral, political, and social point of view, should be condemned. This earliest condemnation has been reiterated many times by successive Popes, with such developments as were called for by the growth of Masonry, and other secret societies. Some of the chief reasons in the pontifical condemnations are : The peculiar anti-Christian, naturalistic, materialistic, character of Freemasonry, by which theoretically and practically it undermines religion, creating religious indifferentism and contempt for truth and authority. The fallacious and ever changing disguises and secrecy by which Masonry dupes the simple for the benefit of the crafty, and ruins their temporal and spiritual welfare. The oaths of secrecy and fidelity to Masonic work which constitute Masonry a system of political and anti-Christian conspiracies. The oaths in Masonry are sacreligious desecrations, dangerous to the security and tranquility of the State, and contrary to religion and public order. Masonry is opposed antagonistic to all legitimately constituted authority in Church and State. Masonic principles link together many secret societies based upon them for criminal purposes. Masonry is, therefore, an insidious, perverse, fraudulent, pernicious organisation, injurious both to religion and society."

And all the above from a priest of the Church of Rome, despite the fact that his church fathers, the Jesuits, the Knights of Columbus, the Ribbonmen, and many similar oath-bound and treasonable organisations!

 Watchman 17 October 1912,

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 The Cologne Gazette has the following:—  " 'Palestine for the Jews!' Among our orthodox Israelites and Christians unfriendly ...