Wednesday, 18 May 2011


[Some Proprietors of extensive grants of land in the Province of Texas, having applied to Mr Owen to take an interest with, and to assist them in colonising their districts, consisting of many millions of acres, he proposed to them to institute measures to establish an independent state of communities on the social system, in which all the laws and institutions should be in conformity with the principles on which that system is founded, and which are necessary to its success. To this proposal, after due consideration, the Proprietors, and those who represent them here, assented. Communications were then made to the proper Authorities, who arc in this country, acting for the Mexican and the neighbouring Republics ; and there appears to be a real desire in all those parties to promote the plan. In consequence, Mr. Owen, has prepared a Memorial on the subject, to be presented to the Mexican Republic, of which the following is a copy.]

I address you on a subject entirety new, and in the character of a citizen of the world.

You have established your Republic to improve the condition of the inhabitants of Mexico.

You have already discovered obstacles, of a formidable nature, to retard, if not to prevent, the executions of your intentions to the extent you anticipated.

All other people experience difficulties in their progress to improvements, and desire to remove them.

I propose measures for your consideration, which shall enable you to remove your own difficulties, and assist others to remove theirs.

At an early period of my life, I discovered that the foundation of all human institutions was an error, and that no permanent benefit could be obtained for the human race, until that foundation should be removed, and replaced by a better. That the prejudices of all nations were formed by their education, or those general and particular national circumstances by which they were surrounded from infancy to maturity. That to remove these prejudices, a new course of proceeding must be adopted to enable the population of the world to perceive the errors in which they are involved, and the extent of the evils which they continually generate for themselves and their posterity.

After much reading and reflection upon these subjects, I instituted extensive experiments to ascertain by fact, truth from error. These experiments have continued without ceasing for nearly forty years, and they disclose the cause of the perplexity and disappointment of all people. They demonstrate that the real nature of man has been misunderstood, and, in consequence, that he has been trained from infancy to think and to act erroneously, and to produce evil instead of good.
That man is not a being capable, of his own power, to believe or disbelieve truth or falsehood, or to love or hate persons or things in opposition to the sensations which they produce on his individual organization.
That even until now he has been supposed to possess these powers, and has been trained, educated, and governed accordingly.
That he has been thus made to believe that his character has been formed by himself; while all facts demonstrate that it is, in every case, formed for each individual of the human race, whether in China, Turkey, Europe, America, or elsewhere.
That, through this error, the character of man is formed, in all countries, at all times, on a defective Model.
That the means now exist by which it may be formed, for every individual, on a model so improved as to be superior to any before known.
These experiments, and others which are in progress also demonstrate that the power of producing wealth or real riches is now superabundant for all human purposes : and that it is annually advancing in a continually increasing ratio, and that no limits can be assigned to its augmentation.
That this power requires but a right or intelligent direction to relieve the inhabitants of all countries from poverty, or from the fear of not obtaining at all times, in security, a full supply of every thing experience shall prove to be the best of human nature.
Upon the facts developed by these experiments, the knowledge of two sciences, the most important to human happiness, may be obtained.
The first, the science of the forming a superior character in every child to whom the science shall be applied in his education and circumstances.
The second, the science by which every child, to whom it shall be applied, from infancy to maturity, shall be so trained and placed, that he shall enjoy the best of every thing for his individual life in security from birth to death.
But that neither of these sciences can be applied to full practice under any of the existing Governments, whether of long standing or recent formation. Consequently, a new district, free from all the existing laws, institutions, and prejudices, is now required, in which to exhibit this new state of society.

The Government and people of the Mexican Republic possess such a district, most applicable for the purpose, in the state of Coahuila and Texas.
Its position, soil, and climate, with the present state and condition of its population, render it the most desirable point on the globe on which to establish this model government, for the general benefit of all other governments and people, but more immediately for the benefit of the South and North American Republics.
Your memorialist asks the province of Texas, and its independance to be guaranteed by the Mexican Republic, the United States, and Great Britain, as a free gift, to a society to be formed to accomplish this great change in the condition of the human race. He asks it from the Mexican Republic under the following considerations :

First. That it is a frontier province between the Mexican and North American Republics, which is now settling under such circumstances, as are likely to create jealousies and irritations between the citizens of those states, and which, may probably, at some future period, terminate in a war between the two Republics.

Second. That this province, by being placed under the Government of this Society, would be speedily peopled with persons of superior habit, manners, and intelligence, and whose main object would be, not only to preserve peace between the two Republics, but to exhibit the means by which the motive to war between all nations would be withdrawn, and all the objects expected to be attained by the most successful war, secured to every nation.

Third. That the improvements which would commence in this new state, by the introduction into it of great numbers of men, selected for their superior industry, skill, capital, or intelligence, would cause a rapid advance in science, or real knowledge throughout all the states of the Republic of Mexico and the other Republics in its neighbourhood, by which a progress hitherto unknown would be made in a new civilization, as superior to the old as truth is to error. And, lastly,—
That an instructed and well-disposed population will be of far more value to the Republic of Mexico than territory without people, or with a population of inferior character and acquirements.

It is expected also that the new model-government will speedily demonstrate, that all the new states have more territory than they can advantageously people or employ for many centuries.
For these reasons and considerations, your Memorialist entertains the expectation, that you will discover full and sufficient cause to grant the province of Texas to the Society, the nature and constitution of which your Memorialist will now explain.

The Society is to be formed of individuals of any country, whose minds have been enlightened beyond the prejudices of all local districts ; whose single object will be to ameliorate the condition of man, by showing in practice how he may be trained, educated, employed, and governed, in unison with his nature, and with the natural laws which govern it.
It will be, therefore, a Society to prepare the means to put an end to war, religious animosities, and commercial rivalries, between nations;—competition between individuals;—to enable the existing population of the world to relieve themselves from poverty,or the fear of it ; to create an entire new character in the rising generation, by instructing them, through an investigation of facts, in a knowledge of their nature, and of the laws by which it is eternally governed; and thus to procure in practice

' Peace on earth, and good-will to man.'

This practice, so long promised to the human race, can never be obtained under any of the governments, laws, or institutions, in any known parts of the world ; because they are, one and all, founded on the same original notions of error regarding human nature, and consequently of the mode by which it can be advantageously governed.

The increase of knowledge, the advance of science, and more especially the overwhelming progress of mechanic invention, and chemical discoveries, superseding the necessity for such manual labour, now demand a change in the government of the world—a moral revolution, which shall ameliorate the condition of the producers, and prevent them from bringing destruction, through a physical revolution, on the non-producers.

The Memorialists will he enabled to advise in the forming the arrangements to effect these great objects, and to assist in organising the society to execute the measures, by reason of his long and extensive experience, solely directed to these objects.
By his experiments in England and Scotland he has ascertained the principles of the sciences, by which a superior character can be formed for all children not physically or mentally diseased, and by which a superfluity of wealth can be created and secured for all, without injury to any.
By his late experiments in the United States, he has discovered the difficulties which the existing institutions and prejudices have created in the present adult population, to make the change from the old to the new state of society under any of the existing laws or forms of governments.
These experiments have also instructed him in what can, and what cannot, be effected with the different classes of society, as their characters have been formed under the existing systems.
He has thus ascertained the necessity of commencing this improvement of the condition of the human race in a new country, in which the laws and institutions shall be all formed in conformity with the principles on which this great amelioration is to be achieved.

All the Governments of the world are deeply interested in these proceedings. The general progress of intellectual acquirements and scientific discoveries, render a moral or a physical revolution unavoidable in all countries.
The experience of the Republic of North America has fully demonstrated to the intelligent in those states of which it is composed, that any government founded upon popular elections has within it the seeds of continued irritation, divisions and corruptions; and that it can be tolerated only as the best known means of leading to an advanced state of society, by a superior education of all classes, fitting them to enjoy, in the most rational manner, the wealth which they will learn so easily, and so pleasantly, to create, systematic scientific arrangements.
Therefore, by the establishment of the proposed model-government in the Texas, revolution in old or new states will be rendered unnecessary. It is most desirable for all parties, that forced revolutions should never occur, but that the improvements, advancing with the age in which we live, should he made without violence, by the established government of every country devoted to national improvements, without being impeded by any of the errors and prejudices of past ages.

Thus may the Republic of Mexico not only derive incalculable advantages for itself, but be the efficient means of securing them for all other states and people ; thus presenting to the world an example, as it has already done, when in its early information it decreed the abolition of slavery from its soil, worthy of general imitation.

The Memorialist asks the means only to apply his past experience for the benefit of his fellow men. He asks not, he wants not, anything for himself.

London, 10th Oct. 1828.

 Sydney Gazette 2/5/1829,

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