The Cologne Gazette has the following:—
" 'Palestine for the Jews!' Among our orthodox Israelites and Christians unfriendly to the Israelites this has always been a favourite cry : ' Palestine for the Jews,' and has gained strength in proportion as the power of the present political ruler over the 'beloved land' wanes away. The English preacher, Nugee, who has interested himself in this matter, expounded on the 14th of the month, in a public lecture, a plan which of late has assumed a practical shape. The Englishman, Oliphant, has laid the plan before the Sultan. It is that the land of Gilead and Moab, embracing the whole territory of the Israelitish tribes of Gad, Reuben and Manasseh, shall be converted into a Jewish colony, the Sultan being paid in cash for the territory, a proposition which the Sultan has already favorably entertained. Still more, Goschen, the recently appointed Ambassador Extraordinary of England, at Constantinople, has expressed himself as well disposed toward the furtherance of the plan. The territory in question embraces about 1,500,000 English acres, and is at present inhabited only by nomadic tribes. The colony is to remain subject to the Turkish power, while yet its immediate Governor is to be an Israelite. In this manner Judaism is to to regain a firmer foothold in its own land, and the colony itself ultimately become a rallying point for the scatterred people of Israel, around which, it is hoped, an ever-broadening girdle of new settlements will form itself. The purchase money for the territory of the new colony is to be contributed by the free-will offerings of patriotic Israelites. Two railroads or highways are to be built, the one ascending from Jaffa to Jerusalem, the other extending from Haifa to the further side of the Jordan. Sir Moses Montefiore has already interested himself in these significant enterprises, furnishing material aid for the same. For the road to Jaffa, the Turkish Government has already made a concession, with the proviso that the work shall be commenced by next January at the farthest. Still further, the construction of a ship canal from the Mediterranean to the Gulf of Akabe and the Red Sea is contemplated. Palestine is again to be re-opened, under the influence of the ideas of the nineteenth century, if only the Jews themselves are ready, with their contributions and their settlements, for their own land."
The London Times has the following:— "A negotiation is said to be on foot between the members of the house of Rothschild and the venerable Sir Moses Montefiore on the one hand, and the Ottoman Government on the other, for the cession, under certain conditions of the Holy Land. The Ottoman Government is already at its last grasp, for want of ready money. The Jewish race wish a 'habitat' of their own. As the Greeks, though a scattered people, living for the most part in Turkey, have a Greek kingdom, so the Jews wish to have a Hebrew kingdom. This, it will be remembered, is the leading idea of George Eliot's 'Daniel Deronda.' Few persons, and probably the gifted authoress herself not more than others, imagined that the dream of the Mordecai of those pages was in the least degree likely so soon to be realized. Information as to the nature of the new Jewish State, whether it is to be theocratic or royal, is uncertain, but the arrangements in reference to it are in progress. Prophecies have a way of fulfilling themselves, more especially when those who believe in them are possessed of the sinews of government. The day when 'the Dispersed of Israel' are to be gathered into one is confidently looked forward to, not only by Hebrews, but by multitudes of Christians. The author of ' Alroy' would be gathered to his fathers in greater peace, were he permitted under his administration to see this day and be glad. Superstitious persons, who think that the end of the world is to be preceded by the restoration of the Jews to Palestine, will be inclined to lend serious belief to Mother Shiptons's prophecy that the earth is to see its last days in 1881."
Jewish Herald (Vic. ), 13 August 1880
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